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Advice about tobacco products

Author: | Categories: Gadgets, Innovation No comments
There is no shame in being a smoker The fact that smoking is bad for your health is non-debatable. There are plenty of studies that show that smoking can lead to all sorts of illnesses and diseases later on in life. With this in mind, it is understandable that

Calorie Counting App – Accessible Fitness Assistant for You

Author: | Categories: Apps and Software, Gadgets No comments
In these modern days, technology continues to grow and evolve. As a symbol of change and progress, it provides several influences and benefits in almost all aspects and areas of our own lives. On the other hand, being completely dependent on technology may cause a negative influence in terms

The Top Gadgets for a Dog Lover

Author: | Categories: Gadgets No comments
If you love keeping your dog happy then there is a good chance that you will appreciate some of the best canine gadgets around. These are cool and interesting things that can make life better for both you and your pet. Which of the following do you think would

Why Should Start-ups Use Managed IT Services?

Author: | Categories: Computing, Gadgets No comments
The common image of a start-up is one run on a combination of coffee fumes and raw determination, with costs kept as low as possible and founders working their hardest around the clock to create a viable business. However, you shouldn’t let this image get in the way of

A real eye-opener

Author: | Categories: Gadgets, Innovation No comments
Imagine you walking along a destroyed place with much debris and dirt on the floor. You look around and try to guess what this place looked like and whether you may have been there before.